Almathera Ten Pack 2: CDPD 1
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 2: CDPD 1.iso
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584 lines
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| RDM (RELO-DISKMASTER) (C) 1990-92 by Reginald Lowack |
| |
| Autor: Reginald Lowack |
| Gittertor 24 |
| W-3320 Salzgitter 51 |
| Germany |
| Tel.:GERMANY-5341-394371 |
| Fax.:GERMANY-5341-16536 |
| |
| NetAdr.: RELO@BDB.ZER |
| |
| Version: 0.99 |
| |
| Date: 04-05-92 |
Copyright Notes: All rights reserved by: *** R.Lowack ***
--------------- Since Version 0.70 RDM is no longer Shareware, FREEWARE or
Public Domain. It's a DemoVersion, which can be copied free.
It's allowed to distribute that DEMO on Public Domain Series.
DEMORESTRICTIONS: RDM is in this Demoversion full functionally, too.
---------------- But the free definable buttons cannot be saved durably. That
means, that the definition will not be saved or read.
Only 5 directorys will be buffered. (FULLVERSION = 200)
One directory max. 200 files. (FULLVERSION = 2000)
* *
* FULLVERSION.....: From now on you can order RDM 1.0 direct from me. *
* But you have to wait about 4-6 weeks before I can *
* send it, because I want to see eventual Bug-Reports *
* from outside Europe before I spread it all around *
* the world. *
* *
* Price: 50 DM or 30 $ + 7 $ postage outside Europe *
* *
* I am not really shure that there will be anytime a 2.0 Version of RDM for *
* which I have many good ideas in mind. *
* But if there are many interests in RDM 1.0 it may be. *
* *
-------------------------------- snip ------------------------------------------
* *
* RDM 1.0 Order Form *
* ------------------ *
* *
* Name :............................................................. *
* *
* Company:............................................................. *
* *
* Street :............................................................. *
* *
* City :............................................................. *
* *
* Country:............................................................. *
* *
* Phone :(........)............ *
* *
* *
* Number :........... of RDM(s) a $ 30.- = $ ........ *
* postage a $ 7.- = $ ........ *
* *
* Total = $ ........ *
* *
* Disk format (mark one) 3 1/2" 5 1/4" *
* *
* Payable by Check oder VISA, MASTER or EUROCARD *
* *
* CARD-No.:................................... *
* *
* signature ................................. *
* *
* or direkt to bank account *
* *
* Deutsche Bank Salzgitter-Bad (GERMANY) *
* bank no.: 270 727 36 *
* account no.: 2118651 *
* usage: RDM 1.0 (and your name) *
* *
* But please, don't forget to send the Order Form because your name *
* will be inserted into the program. *
* *
* Where did you got that DEMO:......................................... *
* *
-------------------------------- snip ------------------------------------------
THANKs to Uwe Grossert for hard Beta testing and help writing the english DOCs.
What's RDM: Don't you really know ???
---------- It's a program, that will help you to handle files easily.
What's different: Because I hate menus (they are total unwieldy, or didn't it
---------------- happen to you, that by loose off the mousebutton the pointer
will slide to another menuepoint) I've dispensed with this
feature and so I can use the right mousebutton for more
important things.
Later on for more infos. I'm a fan of EasyIntuitionbasedOpera-
tions (wow, what a great word) and therefore I've lost some
bytes on programming the grafical elements of RDM, but I think
that I've caught them back by clever programming.
RDM hasn't thousands of function-gadgets and I think its OK.
Because there are enough good utilitys in the public-domain
which will do their job perfectly from within RDM.
So, no printroutine no soundplayer no icondisplayer or other
hard coded routines will steal your bytes if you don't need
them. And so RDM in an easy to understand and to handle
program that runs even on the simplest AMIGA.
Test the Best.
You will see what I mean.
Sadly: I can't take any warranty upon defects which will be the result of RDM.
------ (Many authors writes that so I do !!!)
Ok. Let's go.....
* R D M (RELO-Diskmaster) *
System Configuration: You should have any Amiga with Kickstart from 1.2 on.
You must put the ARP-Library in Libs:
otherwise nothing will run !!!
How to start RDM: RDM can be started from Workbench by double clicking on
its icon, or from CLI by typing:
[PATH/]RDM [DEVICE left] [DEVICE right]
And than: The screen will quickly turned black, and when the curtain opened
you will see the Hyper-Super-Styled surface of RDM.
If you've typed in startdevices, they will be automatically read
in and shown.
Filewindows: The two black windows on the left and right of the display show
you the directory-contents. One of it is always the active one.
Its marked by a yellow/red blinking triangle over top. If you want
to change the aktive one you have to klick into it with the left
or right mousebutton. If you enter or change the pathname in the
stringgadget over a Filewindow the corresponding window will get
The Display show you at left side the File or Directoryname
followed by (see EXT-Gadget) Filesize/Protection/Date/Time/Type.
Columns in RED are Directorys, File where shown in WHITE and
(new) BLUE are LINKS (OS2.x).
First Row: On the top you can see the display for CHIP-FAST- and TOTAL-Memory,
also the display of the number of currently buffered directories
and the actual time (blinking). In the currently empty displays
later there will be shown the free size of the selected devices.
On the left side of the top, you can see the CloseGadget of RDM,
which will quit RDM by doubleclick.
On the right side of the top, you can see the gadget which will put
RDMs Screen to the back.
Second Row: Here you can see the ACTIV-display for the SOURCE-Filewindow.
With SOURCE-side I mean, that all choosen commands will optain
to all selected files on the side below the yellow/red blinking
triangle. Beside these displays are the string-gadgets, which will
later contain the DISKNAME:Directory(s). You also can click in
these gadgets and type in the name of your choosen path.
The ACTIV-displays are also gadgets, which, when clicked copy the
directory name of the choosen side to the other.
Middle Row: Between the both filewindows is the commandrow. Here you see
see the shortcuts for the available commands.
DEVICES: The top 8 gadgetbuttons are reserved for DEVICE-Buttons and
will be displayed in that way your Amiga will be configured.
This means, that only those DEVICES will be shown, which are
really present. Clicking one of these DEVICE-Buttons the root-
directory of the choosen device will be displayed in the active
filewindow. In the string-gadget, belonging to the active file-
window, you will see the full name of the choosen device (not
DF1: or DH0: but for example WORKBENCH1.3:) and on the top of
this side the free size of the choosen device will be displayed.
If you have more than 8 Devices (why ?) you may switch to the
second 8 Devices by clicking with the right mousbutton over that
area. So maximum is 16 Devices and I think thats enough.
Choosing: The next four light-blue gadgets are for fileselecting in the
(ALL) active window. ALL selects all files and all directories. Selected
(NONE) entrys are displayed inverse. With NONE you will reach the contra-
(TOGGL) ry, TOGGL swaps the selecting (all which were selected will be un-
(PATT) selected and reverse) and with PATT (Pattern) all entrys will be
selected which will agree with the entered searchstring.
Here you to consider, that the whole displayed line will be compa-
red; also the extensions (filesize, typ, protection ... it de-
pends on the selected display). You can therefore, if you have
choosen for example the filetyp, select all programs, if you
use *program* as pattern. If you want to select only decide pro-
grams, don't forget to enter an asterisk at the end of the
pattern, too.
For example all files which will begin with "wp" you'll find by
entering the pattern "wp*".
Kill it: Now we are coming to the dark-blue gadgets. Dark-blue therefore,
(DEL) because you will delete files with this function, and therefore
(MOVE) these gadgets will be activated by double-clicking (be safer).
- DEL (Delete) will delete, without asking or second confirmation,
all selected files and directories in the active window. This
I've produceed, because I don't like programs, which will be al-
ways asking "are you sure ????". I've the feeling, that such
programs think that their users are really stupid guys !!
Therefore brutal-method. Nevertheless, if you are still on dele-
ting your harddisk from ROOT on, you can break this procedure by
repeated hacking your (not your) ESCape-key. Things which will be
deleted up to that moment ARE deleted.
So, be WARNED !!!
MOVE is not so dangerous, because it only deletes files, after it
has successfully copied them to the other side (inactive window).
What's ya name: Names are not the world. At least with the RENAME-function.
(RENAM) Here isn't to much to tell. All selected files (now I don't
say no longer, that I mean these in the active window, be-
cause it's everytime the same) will be separatly displayed
with their old name in a string-gadget. Here you can change
the name or, if you have changed your mind, press the right
mouse-button to cancel operation.
COPY me: COPY copies all selected files and directories to the other
(COPY) device which is displayed in the non-activated window.
Here also, like all multiple-functions, you can cancel the
function by pressing the ESCape-key.
Make it : And now I'll show you, how to wonderful hamstercages out of
(MKDIR) Daddy's 500 Watt stereo sound boxes. Hmm...
Naturally I mean how you can make a new directory with RDM.
Nothing is simpler like this. Press the button MKDIR, enter
a nice name for the new directory and you'll have a new direc-
tory in the active directoy. If you've changed your mind, simply
enter nothing or press the right mouse-button.
Protect me: You sure all know about the file-protection-flags.
There are : H-Hint (hidden files; not used)
S-Script (scripts which can be executed)
P-Pure (resident programs)
A-Archiv (archived files <BACKUP>)
R-Read (reading allowed/forbidden)
W-Write (writing allowed/forbidden)
E-Execute (executing allowed/forbidden)
D-Delete (deleting allowed/forbidden)
These flags can be set or unset for each file.
In the appearing Flags-Selecting-Window the red gadgets are
the ON-flags.
OKAY and CANCEL I don't need to explain ! (RIGHT ???)
What's written: With READ, the selected files, one after the other, will be
(READ) displayed.
It doesn't matter if the selected file is a textfile or not,
which may be sometimes usefull. The disadvantage by READ is,
that TAB's only will be displayed as a case. Therefor READ
will really read everything. By the last, I've read DPaint,
but it was boring (I think because it was packed by PP).
Oh yeah, in the READ-Window you can scroll the text by pres-
sing the right mouse-button. Depending of mousepointers
position, the text scrolls forward or backward, and the
scrolling will be faster depending the distance of the middle
of the screen.
The four little triangles on the top of the textwindow (from
left to the rigtht) stands for TOP OF TEXT, END OF TEXT,
The SEARCH-Gadget opens the Search-Window. Here you can enter
the search-string, select starting point and searchdirection.
The SEARCH-gadget starts searching and will display the found
string on the top. If there are lines, which will be longer
than the screenwidth, the found string will be displayed a few
lines down. All found strings are displayed inverse.
You can continue the search by pressing the SEARCH-gadget again
or you can stop it by pressing CANCEL.
The last upper right gadget near the percent-display select
between TEXT/ASCII and HEXADECIMAL display.
You can scroll in that window with the Cursor-Keys and the
numeric block too.
Show me : Shows pictures (ILBM-Files) in every resolution and type.
(SHOW) Only some very little brushes won't be shown correctly (there
are some problems, but RDM is not the only programm with this
Other Names: All known logical devices of the system will be displayed.
(DEVS) These devices you can enter like directorys by double-clicking
on them.
Some more: The gadget with the expressionable denotation EXT selects, if
(ECT) in the right linearea of the active window will be shown the
size, the protection bits, the file-date, the file-time or the
The first four displays will be known, the last display is very
enormous. Every shown file will be analyzed, which type it is.
In doing so they will be also checked if they are crunched,
because I always feel angry about not knowing, if a program is
yet crunched or not.
RDM recognizes following filetypes:
PROGRAMM - Normal program
MCrunch+ - crunched with MasterCruncher 3.0,
protected against decrunching
MCrunch3 - dto., not protected
PPack2.x - crunched with PowerPacker 2.1-2.3
PPack3.0 - crunched with PowerPacker 3.0
ReloKit1 - crunched with ReloKit 1.0 (not mine)
TNM-Crun - crunched with TNM-Cruncher v1.1
ARC-FILE - with ARC crunched files
Imploder - crunched with Imploder
Implode+ - dto., protected against decrunching
Implod-L - dto, decrunching with Implode.library
TEXTFILE - ASCII-File or Batch-File
WORD.DOC - WordPerfect v4.1 document
PSTR.DOC - Pagestream document
PSET.DOC - Pagesetter document
ILBM???? - all ILBM-formats incl. PREFIX
SOUND - 8SVX-Sound file
? FONT - FONT-Headerfile with ? contents
RDM.PACK - with RDM crunched files
ARC-FILE - ARC-archive
ZOO-File - ZOO-archive
LZH-File - LHarc/LZ/LHA archives
LATT.OBJ - Lattice/SAS Object-file
AMIGALIB - Lattice/SAS-library
MANX.OBJ - Aztec Objectfile
AZ_5.OBJ - Aztec >5.0 ObjectFile
MANX.LIB - Aztec-library
........ - .info file (Workbench ICON)
???????? - unknown file
Lets pack : Filecruncher/-decruncher
(PACK) It's working by an expanded HUFFMANN-algorithm and in most
(UPACK) cases he crunches about 50 %.
The function of the cruncher...
All selected files that wasn't crunched or decrunched will be
crunched or decrunched.
Crunched files get a '.Z' at the end of the filename. Those who
will know about this, may be known about
1. UNIX and
2. may be glad,
because RDM will really crunch in a compatible way to UNIX-
Compress. But only with 14 Bit, because you have to take care
of those, who only owns an Amiga with 512 KB RAM.
The original files will be deleted after the crunched file is
succesfully written.
Displays: When the uncrunching NONE.
When crunching, a blue line, which grows from the left
to the right and representing the crunching process.
A red line representing crunching ratio:
Short line = big success,
Long line = Bad.
It is a percentagedisplay from the left 100 to the
right 0 percentage success in crunching.
If the red line disappears while crunching a file,
it means that this file is already crunched with an
other cruncher. If RDM has worked about half of the
file and the success is 0 or less, then he stops
crunching that file.
No Magnums : but also Automatics you can declare with the AUTOS-Button.
(AUTOS) A Window pops up with three Buttons labeled EDIT, ADD and DEL.
With EDIT you can define a new AUTOmatic reaction for a special
kind of File. In the definition window that will appear you
simply enter the extension of the filetype you want to be later
automaticly handled by RDM. Now we will try it out together.
I have many LHA-Archives and want RDM to decrunch them when I
doubleclick an LHA-archive. The program for that action is on
my Harddisk in C: and its name ist lha. So I enter 'C:lha' for
program name. The needed parameters for lha when I want to de-
crunch the archive to the aktual Directory are 'x <filename>'.
The right Entry in the parameters string-gadget is then
'x §f'. If I want the archive to be decrunched to the desti-
nation directory I have to enter parameters as 'x §f §pd'.
More informations to the '§' sign you can find lower at the
exclamation part of free-definable-gadgets (see FREEDOM !!!).
If you leave the definition window with the USE or SAVE Gadget
RDM will from now on know what to do if you doubleclick a file
with the extension LHA. It will then automaticly be depacked.
With the EDIT button you will be able to change any definitions
you've made and with the DEL button you can also kill defini-
tions you don't need anymore. In the last two cases you get a
listbox from where you can select the definition to EDIT or
I think that function was not easy to explain, but I hope
together with the hard implemented DEMO-AUTOS you understand
how it works.
ATTENTION: The extension may not contain the fullstop before.
Only the letters after him. (max. 3)
1.2.3.many : Counts and displays the contents of the activated directories,
(COUNT) if the EXTENSION size of has been choosen.
subdirectories will be count, too.
Counted values will also be buffered (Dynamic-Dir-Buffering).
FREEDOM !!! : for function-gadgets has been called for a long time, but now
it's reality. All following gadgets (how much depends on Work-
benchsize, because RDM automatically adapts the current screen-
height [poor NTSC-Users sorry]) will be definable.
If the right mousebutton will be clicked on one of these
gadgets, a selection-requester will appear, to define a function
(FUNC) or menu(MENU), change the position of the gadgets(SWAP),
to delete a gadget(CLEAR) or to save all defined Gadgets(SAVE).
The (MENU)-Gadget give us the possibility to define an endless
(and when I write endless I mean endless) number of function-
MENU means groups of sub-gadgets.
For example: MENU(ARC)
In this DEMO-Release the (SAVE)-Function is cut off.
DEFINITION: By clicking the FUNC-Gadget you'll be able to
define in the appearing window the function of this gadget.
The 3 string-gadgets have the following functions.
GadgetText: Text (max. 5 signs) which will later appear on
the gadget.
Function : Program, which should be started.
For best use with complete path instruction.
You mustn't type in whole path when program is
in c: directory.
Parameter : If the program, which has been started, needs some
parameters, they will be put in here..
There are some special-parameter, which all starts
with the key '§' (Pound-Note).
§f - with this sign all names of None, First or All
of the selected files will be inserted
(it depends on choosing the case NO/FIRST/ALL)
at this place in the command Line.
§1f- same, but if there are two or more selected
Files there will only one Filename be inserted
before starting the program. Then the same
command line will be build and executed with
the next Filename. And so on...
§d - it's the same as §f for the directorynames.
§1d- same, like §1f for directorys.
§o - Online-Parameter. If the ONLINE-Par-Case is
selected, a window appears before starting
the program, in which you can type in some
more parameters, which will be inserted at
the position of §o.
§ps- means PATH-source and inserts the name of the
Source-directory at this position.
§pd- same as §ps for Destination-directory-name.
If there's no special parameter, then RDM collects
(if FIRST/ALL or ONLINE-switches are on) the file/
directory-names before the online-parameter.
RDM-Screen to back: Sends RDMs screen to the back before pro-
gram is started.
DIR-update: After program is terminated RDMs screen popps to
front and if that gadget was selected RDM rereads
the old directory. (Good for programs that change
the size of Files, so that RDM Display has to
update the display.
Elders Elders : I think you wonder where's the PARENT-Gadget. There's none.
You get the same by clicking RDMs window in top of the file-
windows with the RIGHT-mousebutton.
IMPORTANT-> The right mousebutton is also used to:
select aktive filewindow, scrolling filewindow, define func-
tion gadgets and switch Device-Bank.
ON/OFF/INTO : With the left mousebutton you de/activate entrys in the file-
window. If you move the mouse with depressed left button all
entrys under the mousecursor will be de/activated depending
the state of the first selected entry. At this time you can
additionally press the right mousebutton to scroll the display.
The Bytecounter at the top shows the selected Bytes in yellow
if the selected fitts to the destination and in red if not.
You enter a directory by doubleclicking its entry. If you
doubleclick other entries RDM examine the file and depending
--> its type RDM choose the aktion for this entry.
| scriptfiles will be executed.
| programs will be runback after asking for optional parameters
| ASCII/Textfiles will be displayed like READ function do.
| Pictures will be shown.
| RDM-packed files will be decrunched to RAM: and then examined
--- and
program go : As told before, you doubleclick a program and it runs.
At this place I want to thank the ARP-Team (huhu where are you)
for their wonderful ASyncRun function (some people says it
don't work under Kick2.x but you see it working without any
problems, do you ?)
The ASyncRun function gives RDM the ability to handle all
standart-I/O 100% OK.
Where is it ? : You can reach even filenames with X or W in directorys with
200 entries by hitting the key corresponding to the first
letter very fast.
Buffering : RDM is like an elefant, it never forgets what it has seen.
That means directorys that was red before and have not changed
their contents will be red from RDM-Buffers.
That buffering has nothing to do with AMIGADOSs addbuffers and
its even more effektive.
For a normal directory RDM uses about 4-5 KBytes. So, even 512
KB machines shall have enough memory to store 20-30 directo-
ries without any memory problems.
And if you need more memory you have the ability to kill all
buffers by clicking the dirbuffers-display.
If RDMs contentchanging test fails (I had some trouble with
CrossDos Devices) you can read the directory from device by
clicking the bytes-free display of that device.
I hope, I haven't forgotten anything. But if I have, please feel free to
contact me to answer your questions, give me Bug-Reports and so on...